Garcia Juanino, Jorge
2014-09-15 11:23:33 UTC
It's my first post in this fórum. Our experience in MQ z/OS is low and we have a lot of questions about the MQ manage.
The first is about the recover process in a disaster recovery scenario with high activity in channels and queues. In our test scenario when we replicated the MQ devices to a disaster recovery site and there was a high activity, the manager start in a disaster recovery lpar failed with a system abend (we don't remember the code) about consistency of RBA . The workaround was to replicate device in a time with a low activity. In this situation the manager start always works fine.
My question is about a real disaster recovery situation. The channels and queues are with a lot of message in fly. In this scenario we suppose that it's impossible support the messages consistency in MQ channels and queues and you must execute a MQ cold start. Our question is, what's the way to do a MQ cold start? Define a new BSDS, LOG and PSID? Only one of them? Start the manager with a new parm?
Jorge Garcia Juanino
Gerente sistemas z/OS
ACTP - DIAC - Operación y Soporte EMEA
Avenida del Talgo 100-103 - 3ª Planta
28023 Madrid
Tfno.: 91 581 27 34 - Extension interna: 412734<https://webdialer/WaitRealizarLlamadaFirma.aspx?date=201203071623553351&msgtype=2&ndest=412734&timer=5000&language=ES&css=default/style&hash=22dcf094f3d1136f55ea7538bf3602e2>
Movil: 618333559
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It's my first post in this fórum. Our experience in MQ z/OS is low and we have a lot of questions about the MQ manage.
The first is about the recover process in a disaster recovery scenario with high activity in channels and queues. In our test scenario when we replicated the MQ devices to a disaster recovery site and there was a high activity, the manager start in a disaster recovery lpar failed with a system abend (we don't remember the code) about consistency of RBA . The workaround was to replicate device in a time with a low activity. In this situation the manager start always works fine.
My question is about a real disaster recovery situation. The channels and queues are with a lot of message in fly. In this scenario we suppose that it's impossible support the messages consistency in MQ channels and queues and you must execute a MQ cold start. Our question is, what's the way to do a MQ cold start? Define a new BSDS, LOG and PSID? Only one of them? Start the manager with a new parm?
Jorge Garcia Juanino
Gerente sistemas z/OS
ACTP - DIAC - Operación y Soporte EMEA
Avenida del Talgo 100-103 - 3ª Planta
28023 Madrid
Tfno.: 91 581 27 34 - Extension interna: 412734<https://webdialer/WaitRealizarLlamadaFirma.aspx?date=201203071623553351&msgtype=2&ndest=412734&timer=5000&language=ES&css=default/style&hash=22dcf094f3d1136f55ea7538bf3602e2>
Movil: 618333559
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in the message body (not the subject), write: SIGNOFF MQSERIES
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