General Channel Auths question in V7.1
Costa, D. (Damian)
2013-08-05 11:26:11 UTC
HI all,
If I enable channel auth rules and I have specified a legitimate mca account that has very specific access on a svr conn channel, do I still need to set a chl auth rule for remote systems connecting via a client using that server conn channel?

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Neil Casey
2013-08-05 11:36:43 UTC
Hi Damian,

that would generally be 'no'. You can keep using the normal security controls for MQ even with chlauth activated, unless you out an admin account on a svrconn channel. If you do that, you have to set up the chlauth rules to allow the admin connection (block a dummy user for that channel to override the default block admin).


Neil Casey
Post by Costa, D. (Damian)
HI all,
If I enable channel auth rules and I have specified a legitimate mca account that has very specific access on a svr conn channel, do I still need to set a chl auth rule for remote systems connecting via a client using that server conn channel?
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