Channel conname lists for sender receiver channel pairs
Costa, D. (Damian)
2014-08-01 13:37:47 UTC
Hi all,
Was reading some docs about setup of a multi-instance qmgr. And a thought crossed my mind ( which is rare nowadays) :
In the "conname" setting on a sender channel can one add a list of IP's or FQDN's into the field to allow it to attempt connection to say two nodes that are part of a multi-instance qmgr setup?
So if the primary node ( of the multi-instance qmgr ) fails and the secondary node takes up the slack a sender channel could immediately ( as and when it gets triggered) try to connect to the secondary multi-instance node.
If this is possible it would mean we do not have to wait for HA CMP to swap any virtual IP's across to the secondary node.


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Jefferson Lowrey
2014-08-01 13:41:57 UTC
Well, yes.

That's kind of the point of MI, that because both machines are up and
running and provisioned on the network at active addresses, then the only
thing that has to "fail over" is the queue manager itself. And
optimization was done to make that as fast as possible.

But it does mean that you have to have both addresses, and you have to be
using an MQ on the other side that is capable of having two addresses.

So you may still choose to use an HA manager, or MQ Service objects, to
make a Virtual IP address move when the qmgr fails over, to make it easier
for other people to connect.

But it's not required.

Thank you,

Jeff Lowrey

From: "Costa, D. (Damian)" <DamianC-3zJjxGF14/***@public.gmane.org>
To: MQSERIES-JX7+OpRa80QeFbOYke1v4oOpTq8/***@public.gmane.org
Date: 08/01/2014 08:38 AM
Subject: [MQSERIES] Channel conname lists for sender receiver
channel pairs
Sent by: MQSeries List <MQSERIES-JX7+OpRa80QeFbOYke1v4oOpTq8/***@public.gmane.org>

Hi all,
Was reading some docs about setup of a multi-instance qmgr. And a thought
crossed my mind ( which is rare nowadays) :
In the "conname" setting on a sender channel can one add a list of IP's
or FQDN's into the field to allow it to attempt connection to say two
nodes that are part of a multi-instance qmgr setup?
So if the primary node ( of the multi-instance qmgr ) fails and the
secondary node takes up the slack a sender channel could immediately ( as
and when it gets triggered) try to connect to the secondary multi-instance
If this is possible it would mean we do not have to wait for HA CMP to
swap any virtual IP's across to the secondary node.


Nedbank Limited Reg No 1951/000009/06. The following link displays
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[ http://www.nedbank.co.za/terms/DirectorsNedbank.htm ]
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Paul Clarke
2014-08-01 13:42:38 UTC

Yes, you can specify a list of IP addresses to connect to. Each time the
sender channel tries to connect to a remote QM it will try each IP address
in turn. Note that, depending on the failure, it can take quite a number of
seconds for a TCP connect() to fail though.


Paul Clarke
-----Original Message-----
From: Costa, D. (Damian)
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2014 2:37 PM
To: MQSERIES-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org
Subject: Channel conname lists for sender receiver channel pairs

Hi all,
Was reading some docs about setup of a multi-instance qmgr. And a thought
crossed my mind ( which is rare nowadays) :
In the "conname" setting on a sender channel can one add a list of IP's or
FQDN's into the field to allow it to attempt connection to say two nodes
that are part of a multi-instance qmgr setup?
So if the primary node ( of the multi-instance qmgr ) fails and the
secondary node takes up the slack a sender channel could immediately ( as
and when it gets triggered) try to connect to the secondary multi-instance
If this is possible it would mean we do not have to wait for HA CMP to swap
any virtual IP's across to the secondary node.


Nedbank Limited Reg No 1951/000009/06. The following link displays
the names of the Nedbank Board of Directors and Company Secretary.
[ http://www.nedbank.co.za/terms/DirectorsNedbank.htm ]
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David Awerbuch (BLOOMBERG/ 120 PARK)
2014-08-01 13:56:09 UTC
You are reading that correctly. and this will work with 3 and 4 node configurations as well.

I suggest reading very carefully the sections in the Intercommunications Guide regarding KeepAlive Interval and its relationship to the TCP KeepAlive stanza in mq.ini and the local TCP/IP keepalive settings for your host.

Expecting you are connecting to a local queue manager -- local as in internal to your enterprise network and geographically proximate, meaning few firewall and router hops -- the connection should complete within a few seconds, so the channel should sequence through the list of connection strings in short order, and then try again based on the short retry interval and count.

It may take a few iterations with your system admins to get the results you prefer.

Hope this helps.

----- Original Message -----
At: Aug 1 2014 09:38:00

Hi all,
Was reading some docs about setup of a multi-instance qmgr. And a thought crossed my mind ( which is rare nowadays) :
In the "conname" setting on a sender channel can one add a list of IP's or FQDN's into the field to allow it to attempt connection to say two nodes that are part of a multi-instance qmgr setup?
So if the primary node ( of the multi-instance qmgr ) fails and the secondary node takes up the slack a sender channel could immediately ( as and when it gets triggered) try to connect to the secondary multi-instance node.
If this is possible it would mean we do not have to wait for HA CMP to swap any virtual IP's across to the secondary node.


Nedbank Limited Reg No 1951/000009/06. The following link displays
the names of the Nedbank Board of Directors and Company Secretary.
[ http://www.nedbank.co.za/terms/DirectorsNedbank.htm ]
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The following link will take you to Nedbank's legal notice.
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