Refreshing an expired WMQ Client SSL certificate - for client side
David Awerbuch (BLOOMBERG/ 120 PARK)
2014-07-10 18:58:34 UTC
hi all,

This is befuddling me a bit, hoping I can get some clarification and perhaps a bonk on the head telling me what I am doing wrong.

I need to renew a certicate for a WMQ Client ... It seems straight forward enough ...

1. gsk7capicmd -certreq -recreate -db xxx.kdb -label ibmwebspheremqusername -target ibmwebspheremqusername.certreq
2. send ibmwebspheremqusername.certreq file to CA for signing
3. get back the signed certificate file ibmwebspheremqusername.cert.pem.txt
4. gsk7capicmd -cert -receive -db xxx.kdb -file ibmwebspheremqusername.cert.pem.txt -format ascii
Error: 108

Please refer to the GSKCapiCmd User's Guide
for the meaning of the error.

Details: certreq
5. gsk7capicmd -certreq -list -db xxx.kdb
No certificate requests were found.

The keystore contains the expiring certificate, as well as all the default certificates from when the keystore was created.

So two questions:
1. why doesn't the signing recreate request not show up as a certreq?
2. Am I doing this correctly at all?

This is the first time I am renewing a client certificate, previously I have done server certs the same way without any problems.

gsk7 version


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