MQSCX Version 7.5.1 Open Beta starts today
Paul Clarke
2014-03-17 15:10:27 UTC
Hi everyone,

MQGem Software is pleased to announce the start of an open Beta of the second release of the MQSCX program, known as version 7.5.1.

As many of you will remember MQSCX provides an extension to the standard MQSC interface by providing much greater filtering capability and a much improved interactive experience. Version 7.5.1 builds on this in two areas:

· CCDT Editing
MQSCX now allows you to create and edit CCDT files without requiring any MQ installation.
In addition you can even merge CCDT files together.

· MQSCX Control Language
Until now the MQSC language has been very static. You define a file containing a set of commands and you can run them. However, suppose you want to have that file responds to the answers and make decisions based on those responses. MQSCX now allows the user to define a set of MQSCX commands which allow you to put some intelligence in the control files, this opens up a huge range of uses:
o Augment or modify the current set of command responses

o Display the consolidated result of multiple commands

o Perform health checking of your Queue Manager

o Perform monitoring of your Queue Manager

o Write a report file with the data from your Queue Manager

o Check your object definitions against your naming standards

o Run a quick security check against your Queue Manager definitions

o and more

To give you an idea of the kind of commands which are supported, here are a couple of sample control files.

Display Transmission Queues
This simple script will show the status of all channels processing transmission queues with a non-zero depth.

* Get all the transmission queues


* Is the depth non-zero ?

if (curdepth > 0)

@qname = QUEUE

@depth = curdepth

* Read channel status for this queue

foreach(DIS CHSTATUS(*) WHERE(XMITQ EQ <@qname>))

print @qname,"depth",@depth, channel,"is",STATUS


if (_matches = 0)

print @qname,"depth",@depth,"No channel status"




Display Queue Information
A script which will show the basic queue information and who is using the queue

* Check we've been given a parameter

if (!exists(@_Parm[1]))

print "Please enter a queue name, something like qinfo(Q1)"



* Switch off command echoes

=echo cmds(no) resp(no)

* The parameter is the queue name

@q = @_Parm[1]

* Issue a display on that name

DIS Q(<@q>) ALL

if (_matches<1)

* Did we get an answer ?

@msg = "Unknown queue '" + @q + "'"

print @msg


* So, we had an answer

@bq = @q

* Construct an output and print it out

@msg = "QUEUE("+queue+")"

if (ipprocs) @msg = @msg + " IPPROCS("+str(ipprocs)+")"; endif

if (opprocs) @msg = @msg + " OPPROCS("+str(opprocs)+")"; endif

if (type = "QLOCAL") @msg = @msg + " CURDEPTH(" + str(curdepth) + ")"; endif

print @msg

if (target)

@bq = target;

print "Alias queue - displaying usage of target",@bq


* Now, let's see whether anyone is using the queue


if (channel)

print :7:pid,appltag,"over",channel,"from",CONNAME


print :7:pid,appltag




The Beta program is available on Windows and Linux 64bit Intel and can be downloaded by following the links on http://www.mqgem.com/mqscx_download.html

Needless to say I welcome all comments and suggestions.



Paul Clarke

To unsubscribe, write to LISTSERV-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org and,
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Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
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Archive: http://listserv.meduniwien.ac.at/archives/mqser-l.html
2014-03-17 15:30:38 UTC
Freaking awesome, Paul!

I wrote several reporting scripts for a customer a couple of months back. They declined to purchase MQSCX so I was forced to do much of the logic in the script, giving me I have a good basis for comparison of both approaches. The differential in lines of code, complexity and amount of additional billable time I spent would have paid for a site license for several years. The ROI is now more than doubled, possibly even 5x what it was.

Downloading the beta driver now

Cheers -- T.Rob

From: MQSeries List [mailto:MQSERIES-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org] On Behalf Of Paul Clarke
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 11:10 AM
To: MQSERIES-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org
Subject: MQSCX Version 7.5.1 Open Beta starts today

Hi everyone,

MQGem Software is pleased to announce the start of an open Beta of the second release of the MQSCX program, known as version 7.5.1.

As many of you will remember MQSCX provides an extension to the standard MQSC interface by providing much greater filtering capability and a much improved interactive experience. Version 7.5.1 builds on this in two areas:

· CCDT Editing
MQSCX now allows you to create and edit CCDT files without requiring any MQ installation.
In addition you can even merge CCDT files together.

· MQSCX Control Language
Until now the MQSC language has been very static. You define a file containing a set of commands and you can run them. However, suppose you want to have that file responds to the answers and make decisions based on those responses. MQSCX now allows the user to define a set of MQSCX commands which allow you to put some intelligence in the control files, this opens up a huge range of uses:
o Augment or modify the current set of command responses

o Display the consolidated result of multiple commands

o Perform health checking of your Queue Manager

o Perform monitoring of your Queue Manager

o Write a report file with the data from your Queue Manager

o Check your object definitions against your naming standards

o Run a quick security check against your Queue Manager definitions

o and more

To give you an idea of the kind of commands which are supported, here are a couple of sample control files.

Display Transmission Queues
This simple script will show the status of all channels processing transmission queues with a non-zero depth.

* Get all the transmission queues


* Is the depth non-zero ?

if (curdepth > 0)

@qname = QUEUE

@depth = curdepth

* Read channel status for this queue

foreach(DIS CHSTATUS(*) WHERE(XMITQ EQ <@qname>))

print @qname,"depth",@depth, channel,"is",STATUS


if (_matches = 0)

print @qname,"depth",@depth,"No channel status"




Display Queue Information
A script which will show the basic queue information and who is using the queue

* Check we've been given a parameter

if (!exists(@_Parm[1]))

print "Please enter a queue name, something like qinfo(Q1)"



* Switch off command echoes

=echo cmds(no) resp(no)

* The parameter is the queue name

@q = @_Parm[1]

* Issue a display on that name

DIS Q(<@q>) ALL

if (_matches<1)

* Did we get an answer ?

@msg = "Unknown queue '" + @q + "'"

print @msg


* So, we had an answer

@bq = @q

* Construct an output and print it out

@msg = "QUEUE("+queue+")"

if (ipprocs) @msg = @msg + " IPPROCS("+str(ipprocs)+")"; endif

if (opprocs) @msg = @msg + " OPPROCS("+str(opprocs)+")"; endif

if (type = "QLOCAL") @msg = @msg + " CURDEPTH(" + str(curdepth) + ")"; endif

print @msg

if (target)

@bq = target;

print "Alias queue - displaying usage of target",@bq


* Now, let's see whether anyone is using the queue


if (channel)

print :7:pid,appltag,"over",channel,"from",CONNAME


print :7:pid,appltag




The Beta program is available on Windows and Linux 64bit Intel and can be downloaded by following the links on http://www.mqgem.com/mqscx_download.html

Needless to say I welcome all comments and suggestions.



Paul Clarke


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To unsubscribe, write to LISTSERV-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org and,
in the message body (not the subject), write: SIGNOFF MQSERIES
Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at http://www.lsoft.com
Archive: http://listserv.meduniwien.ac.at/archives/mqser-l.html
Paul Clarke
2014-03-17 16:49:42 UTC
Hi T.Rob,

Glad to see you approve. Let’s hope you still approve once you’ve had a play. Bear in mind that this is a Beta and still has one or two rough edges,

I look forward to your comments,


Paul Clarke

From: T.Rob
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 3:30 PM
To: MQSERIES-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org
Subject: Re: MQSCX Version 7.5.1 Open Beta starts today

Freaking awesome, Paul!

I wrote several reporting scripts for a customer a couple of months back. They declined to purchase MQSCX so I was forced to do much of the logic in the script, giving me I have a good basis for comparison of both approaches. The differential in lines of code, complexity and amount of additional billable time I spent would have paid for a site license for several years. The ROI is now more than doubled, possibly even 5x what it was.

Downloading the beta driver now

Cheers -- T.Rob

From: MQSeries List [mailto:MQSERIES-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org] On Behalf Of Paul Clarke
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 11:10 AM
To: MQSERIES-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org
Subject: MQSCX Version 7.5.1 Open Beta starts today

Hi everyone,

MQGem Software is pleased to announce the start of an open Beta of the second release of the MQSCX program, known as version 7.5.1.

As many of you will remember MQSCX provides an extension to the standard MQSC interface by providing much greater filtering capability and a much improved interactive experience. Version 7.5.1 builds on this in two areas:

· CCDT Editing
MQSCX now allows you to create and edit CCDT files without requiring any MQ installation.
In addition you can even merge CCDT files together.

· MQSCX Control Language
Until now the MQSC language has been very static. You define a file containing a set of commands and you can run them. However, suppose you want to have that file responds to the answers and make decisions based on those responses. MQSCX now allows the user to define a set of MQSCX commands which allow you to put some intelligence in the control files, this opens up a huge range of uses:
o Augment or modify the current set of command responses

o Display the consolidated result of multiple commands

o Perform health checking of your Queue Manager

o Perform monitoring of your Queue Manager

o Write a report file with the data from your Queue Manager

o Check your object definitions against your naming standards

o Run a quick security check against your Queue Manager definitions

o and more

To give you an idea of the kind of commands which are supported, here are a couple of sample control files.

Display Transmission Queues
This simple script will show the status of all channels processing transmission queues with a non-zero depth.

* Get all the transmission queues


* Is the depth non-zero ?

if (curdepth > 0)

@qname = QUEUE

@depth = curdepth

* Read channel status for this queue

foreach(DIS CHSTATUS(*) WHERE(XMITQ EQ <@qname>))

print @qname,"depth",@depth, channel,"is",STATUS


if (_matches = 0)

print @qname,"depth",@depth,"No channel status"




Display Queue Information
A script which will show the basic queue information and who is using the queue

* Check we've been given a parameter

if (!exists(@_Parm[1]))

print "Please enter a queue name, something like qinfo(Q1)"



* Switch off command echoes

=echo cmds(no) resp(no)

* The parameter is the queue name

@q = @_Parm[1]

* Issue a display on that name

DIS Q(<@q>) ALL

if (_matches<1)

* Did we get an answer ?

@msg = "Unknown queue '" + @q + "'"

print @msg


* So, we had an answer

@bq = @q

* Construct an output and print it out

@msg = "QUEUE("+queue+")"

if (ipprocs) @msg = @msg + " IPPROCS("+str(ipprocs)+")"; endif

if (opprocs) @msg = @msg + " OPPROCS("+str(opprocs)+")"; endif

if (type = "QLOCAL") @msg = @msg + " CURDEPTH(" + str(curdepth) + ")"; endif

print @msg

if (target)

@bq = target;

print "Alias queue - displaying usage of target",@bq


* Now, let's see whether anyone is using the queue


if (channel)

print :7:pid,appltag,"over",channel,"from",CONNAME


print :7:pid,appltag




The Beta program is available on Windows and Linux 64bit Intel and can be downloaded by following the links on http://www.mqgem.com/mqscx_download.html

Needless to say I welcome all comments and suggestions.



Paul Clarke


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Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in the Listserv General Users Guide available at http://www.lsoft.com


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Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in the Listserv General Users Guide available at http://www.lsoft.com

To unsubscribe, write to LISTSERV-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org and,
in the message body (not the subject), write: SIGNOFF MQSERIES
Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at http://www.lsoft.com
Archive: http://listserv.meduniwien.ac.at/archives/mqser-l.html
