Question about co-existing non-Multi-Instance qmgrs on the same server as Multi-Instance - but using different filesystems
Barton, Linda
2014-08-20 17:34:03 UTC
Never mind....specify the ld and md in the crtmqm and don't take the defaults.
I am an idiot.

Linda Barton

From: Barton, Linda
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 1:29 PM
To: MQSERIES-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org
Subject: Question about co-existing non-Multi-Instance qmgrs on the same server as Multi-Instance - but using different filesystems

Hi, we are just beginning our multi-instance shared MQ environment. I was hoping that the multi-instance qmgrs could be on /wmq which is on NAS and any single instance qmgrs could be on another filesystem - say /mqm_qmgrs and /mqm_logs.
We run into issues when we hit the mqs.ini file as the default paths are specified here. I know there is an environment variable called AMQ_MQS_INI_LOCATION which allows you to use a different location for the file, but I don't think you can use it for qmgrs a,b,c that would run on /wmq and another location for mqs.ini that would be for qmgrs c,d,e....

Any thoughts? Are other folks out there running single instance on the same server as multi-instance and NOT using the same filesystems?
I would like to NOT have my single instance qmgrs have an outage if my NAS had an issue (like, it went away...which has happened...)

I could just purchase more servers...but we are trying to reduce our server and license costs...

Any input would be appreciated!
p.s. interesting topic for the MQTC!
Maybe an RFE...

Linda Barton

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Barton, Linda
2014-08-20 17:29:16 UTC
Hi, we are just beginning our multi-instance shared MQ environment. I was hoping that the multi-instance qmgrs could be on /wmq which is on NAS and any single instance qmgrs could be on another filesystem - say /mqm_qmgrs and /mqm_logs.
We run into issues when we hit the mqs.ini file as the default paths are specified here. I know there is an environment variable called AMQ_MQS_INI_LOCATION which allows you to use a different location for the file, but I don't think you can use it for qmgrs a,b,c that would run on /wmq and another location for mqs.ini that would be for qmgrs c,d,e....

Any thoughts? Are other folks out there running single instance on the same server as multi-instance and NOT using the same filesystems?
I would like to NOT have my single instance qmgrs have an outage if my NAS had an issue (like, it went away...which has happened...)

I could just purchase more servers...but we are trying to reduce our server and license costs...

Any input would be appreciated!
p.s. interesting topic for the MQTC!
Maybe an RFE...

Linda Barton

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