I've some small modifications to the schedule.
A session list by topics can be found at
Here is a list of sessions by speaker:
Technical Sessions:
Mark Taylor of IBM:
- What's New in IBM Messaging
- IBM MQ Disaster Recovery
- IBM MQ Internals, Performance and Tuning For Distributed Platforms
Lyn Elkins of IBM:
- IBM MQ for z/OS: Latest Features Deep Dive
- IBM MQ in a 'plex: Shared queues and applications
- New with MQ V8 on z/OS: Channel statistics and accounting
Lyn Elkins & Mark Taylor:
- IBM MQ: Are z/OS and distributed platforms like oil and water?
Morag Hughson of IBM:
- MQ CHLAUTH rules - including V8 changes
- MQ SSL/TLS Channels - including V8 changes
- MQ Connection Authentication (new in V8)
Dave Ware of IBM:
- MQ Publish/subscribe topics - objects, nodes, strings...?
- Publish/subscribe in an MQ network - including V8 changes
- What can you achieve with MQ clusters?
Matthew Whitehead of IBM:
- MQ Light session
- MFT session
- JMS 2.0 - supported by MQ V8
Chris Frank of IBM:
- Considerations when using IBM MQ and JMS with JEE Application Servers
- So You Think You Understand Multi-Instance Queue Managers?
- Performance Considerations with IBM MQ and IBM Integration Bus
T.Rob Wyatt of IBM:
- How To Build & Operate a Certificate Management Center of Mediocrity
- WMQ Toolbox: 20 Scripts, One-liners, & Utilities for UNIX & Windows
- TBA #3
Bobbee Broderick of IBM:
- High Availability Option for MQ
- Integration Bus Overview
- WLM and Policy in Integration Bus
Paul Clarke of MQGem:
- Keeping MQ Channels Up and Running
- MQ Clients
- MQ Triggering
Glen Brumbaugh of TxMQ:
- IBM MQ Performance Analysis
- SSL and TLS Explained: A User Perspective
- IBM MQ "Golden Image" Queue Managers
Roger Lacroix of Capitalware:
- Introduction to MQ
- IMS Adapter and Bridge Overview
- MQ Security with CA ACF2
Suganya Rane of Prolifics:
- Migrate from older versions of MQ to MQV7.1/7.5/8.0
- An Overview of MQ Clustering
Barry Lamkin of IBM:
- The top ten issues in IBM MQ and WebSphere MB
Tim Zielke of AON:
- IBM MQ Problem Determination on Linux
Allan Bartleywood of TxMQ:
- IBM MQ Just Works
Cindy Gregoire of TxMQ:
- IIB Scalability & Performance Management
Peter D'Agosta of Avada:
- The Value of MQ Stats by Business Unit
Richard Nikula of Nastel:
- Leveraging WBI (Broker) Monitoring
Bob Zerbe of BMC:
- Using WebSphere Exits to Track Transactions Thru Composite Applications
Vendor Sessions:
Roger Lacroix of Capitalware:
- Application API Tracking
- File transfer with Universal File Mover
- MQAUSX & MQ v8 Authentication
Peter D'Agosta of Avada:
- The Value of Visibility Amongst Interconnected Middleware Assets
- Infrared360 and the Internet of Relevant Things
Richard Nikula of Nastel:
- Beyond just monitoring MQ
Allan Bartleywood of TxMQ:
- TxMQ Introduces WebSphere MQ Performance Pack
Paul Clarke of MQGem:
- MO71's Hidden Gems
Barry Lamkin of IBM:
- Application Performance Management
So, hopefully there is lots of MQ content that will keep attendees
busy for 3 days. :)
Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.
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