zOS Queue Manager significant MIPs increase between re-starts
Yagudayeva, Irina
2013-09-16 19:45:33 UTC

In case somebody else ran into the same situation,

We do not re-start our zOS queue managers (currently at V7.0.1 LEVEL
005-014) unless there is an IPL or maintenance upgrade. Thus, they stay
up for several months.

For one of our production queue managers we noticed that MSTR address
space CPU usage significantly increases day by day and then drops back
to normal when queue manager gets re-started.

We asked the Resource Management team for the old reports. It started
happening after RSU304.

I can't think of any severe configuration changes we implemented this

Does anybody notice a similar pattern?

Any input is greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Irina Yagudayeva

Infrastructure Architect

Verisk Analytics


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