BlockIP parm question
2013-07-15 17:14:32 UTC
The BlockIP2 manual gives the syntax for the CON= ini file parm as follows:


I have a parameter file with a line like:


Based on my reading of the manual (and admittedly error-prone reading of the
code) it looks to me as though the 3rd field must contain either the fixed
string 'BLOCK' or else the prefix 'MCA=' followed by a value. If the field
contains any other value, the test falls through leaving the MCAUSER in the
connection request intact. Presumably, this then is moved to the MCAUSER of
the running channel.

I would have thought that a 3rd test would be performed such that any value
in the 3rd field that is NOT either BLOCK or MCA= would result in a failure.
For example, the way I read the code setting the parm with:




.was intended doesn't fail but also doesn't set the MCAUSER.

I'm going to test this later tonight so I'll know how it actually behaves,
but what I'm hoping for is to find out how people *believe* it is supposed
to behave or what you have observed.

Thanks - T.Rob

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