strmqtrc inadvertently turning off after connection disconnect
Tim Zielke
2014-03-19 17:41:42 UTC

I ran across something odd when running a strmqtrc, and was curious if anyone else has seen this behavior. I will probably be opening a service request about it, too.

The environment here is MQ on a Red Hat 5 Linux server.

I was running a trace on a java process with the following options. This java process does a local bindings connection to the queue manager.

strmqtrc -m qmgr -t api -p java

This java process is a singled threaded process which opens 4 different connections with these options:

418.1 MQCNO.Options= (MQLONG) : 320
418.1 x'40010000'

What I noticed is that after the second time a connection did a MQDISC, the tracing stopped. The process however continued to run and do more API calls with the remaining open connections.

I verified this behavior by running an Application Activity Trace (AAT) simultaneously with the strmqtrc. The AAT did get track correctly all the API calls for the entire run of the process. When I looked at the corresponding strmqtrc, it was missing trace activity right after the second connection disconnect.

Has anyone else seen this type of behavior with strmqtrc?

Tim Zielke
CICS/MQ Systems Programmer

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