Paul Clarke speaking at MQTC v2.0.1.4
Roger Lacroix
2014-05-01 20:47:19 UTC

Anyone who hasn't voted. please do so.

I'm working on the session scheduling today and things are looking
pretty good. I have 70 technical session slots and I have filled 64,
although, I did put my name in a bunch of slots.

Here's the speakers and session counts:

Technical Sessions (75 minutes):
- 6 unique sessions from Roger Lacroix of Capitalware Inc.
- 3 unique sessions from T.Rob Wyatt of IoPT Consulting
- 3 unique sessions from Mark Taylor of IBM
- 3 unique sessions from Morag Hughson of IBM
- 3 unique sessions from Robert (Bobbee) Broderick of IBM
- 3 unique sessions from Chris Frank of IBM
- 3 unique sessions from Lyn Elkins of IBM
- 3 unique sessions from Paul Clarke of MQGem Software
- 2 unique sessions from Derek Hornby
- 2 unique sessions from Arthur (Art) Schanz of Federal Reserve
- 1 unique session from Barry Lamkin of IBM
- 1 unique session from Tim Zielke of AON
- 1 unique session from Cindy Gregoire of TxMQ
- 1 unique session from Allan Bartleywood of TxMQ

Vendor Sessions (45 minutes):
- Capitalware: MQ Security with MQAUSX & z/MQAUSX
- Capitalware: File transfer with Universal File Mover
- IBM: Application Performance Management
- Avada Software: TBA
- Nastel Technologies: TBA
- MQGem Software: TBA (but I've already penciled in 'MO71's Hidden Gems')

Note: My goal is to have each technical session presented twice, so
that people can get a chance to see/hear all of the important
sessions (important to that person).

If anyone wants to be a speaker then please let me know. I'm going to
try and get as many MQ V8 sessions as possible.

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

At 12:27 PM 4/24/2014, you wrote:
>I have persuaded Paul Clarke (former IBM Hursley developer) to be a
>speaker at MQ Technical Conference v2.0.1.4 (
>http://www.mqtechconference.com ). Paul has offered 9 subjects
>(he'll be presenting 3), so I figured I would let the MQ community
>pick what they want Paul to present.
>I have created a poll at mqseries.net for people to vote on what
>they want Paul to present/speak on. Please go to
>http://www.mqseries.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=67229 and vote.
>Roger Lacroix
>Capitalware Inc.
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