Is there a way in MO71...
Potkay, Peter M (CTO Architecture + Engineering)
2014-10-14 11:53:56 UTC
I've been playing with Multiple Queue Manager lists in MO71. Love it - very easy to see the same info across all my QMs on one screen, for example, all queues whose names begin with X that are Transmit queues that have greater than zero message.

Is there a way in MO71 to do the same multiple QM list for the QMs themselves? I would like to be able to see whether CHLAUTH is enabled/disabled for all my QMs in one screen...or what the Product Version is for all my QMs in one screen, or which QMs have Authority Events enabled, etc, etc.

Peter Potkay

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Paul Clarke
2014-10-14 12:28:56 UTC

No I’m afraid there isn’t. It’s only an option on lists of objects and since the Queue Manager display is not a list it doesn’t work.
It’s an interesting idea though and something that I could add to my ‘list of possibles’ in the future. I’ll see whether any other customers ask for it.


Paul Clarke

MQGem Software Limited

From: Potkay, Peter M (CTO Architecture + Engineering)
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 12:53 PM
To: MQSERIES-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org
Subject: Is there a way in MO71...

I’ve been playing with Multiple Queue Manager lists in MO71. Love it – very easy to see the same info across all my QMs on one screen, for example, all queues whose names begin with X that are Transmit queues that have greater than zero message.

Is there a way in MO71 to do the same multiple QM list for the QMs themselves? I would like to be able to see whether CHLAUTH is enabled/disabled for all my QMs in one screen
or what the Product Version is for all my QMs in one screen, or which QMs have Authority Events enabled, etc, etc.

Peter Potkay

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