Weird TCP/IP error with client channel...
Coombs, Lawrence
2014-05-20 01:40:35 UTC
Occasionally I am getting this error (on the MQServer) for a client application. I have Googled this x'68' TCP error, but my limited knowledge of TCP is preventing me from making any sense of this error. I am not too stressed about this error since I will be upgrading this server in a couple of weeks, but it just drives me nuts to not be able to understand what could be causing this error. The MQServer is know, I know.......).

Can someone shed any light on this TCP error code as it pertains to a MQ Client connection?

errno 68: EADDRNOTAVAIL 68 Can't assign requested address
04/19/2014 07:18:14 PM - Process(19699.699) User(mqm) Program(amqrmppa)
AMQ9208: Error on receive from host 189 (

An error occurred receiving data from 189 ( over TCP/IP. This
may be due to a communications failure.
The return code from the TCP/IP (read) call was 104 (X'68'). Record these
values and tell the systems administrator.

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Ian Alderson
2014-05-20 08:05:25 UTC
Hi Lawrence,
I usually see AMQ9208 error when an application has terminated without cleanly disconnecting from the Queue Manager. E.g. someone kills a client app instead of letting it end gracefully or an application hits some logic where it simply does not attempt to disconnect before ending. Less commonly it could also be caused by a network error which would see more widespread problems.

If you really want to look up TCP error codes, then you need to be aware that they vary by platform. Here’s a list I found on google, which I presume means that you are running on Linux (connection reset by partner)? Although you’re really getting into the internals of how a particular version of MQ is handling socket calls and error conditions, so may be of more use to IBM support.

Hope that helps,

Ian Alderson
MQ Technical Architect


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From: MQSeries List [mailto:***@LISTSERV.MEDUNIWIEN.AC.AT] On Behalf Of Coombs, Lawrence
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 2:41 AM
Subject: Re: Weird TCP/IP error with client channel...

Occasionally I am getting this error (on the MQServer) for a client application. I have Googled this x’68’ TCP error, but my limited knowledge of TCP is preventing me from making any sense of this error. I am not too stressed about this error since I will be upgrading this server in a couple of weeks, but it just drives me nuts to not be able to understand what could be causing this error. The MQServer is know, I know


Can someone shed any light on this TCP error code as it pertains to a MQ Client connection?

errno 68: EADDRNOTAVAIL 68 Can't assign requested address
04/19/2014 07:18:14 PM - Process(19699.699) User(mqm) Program(amqrmppa)
AMQ9208: Error on receive from host 189 (

An error occurred receiving data from 189 ( over TCP/IP. This
may be due to a communications failure.
The return code from the TCP/IP (read) call was 104 (X'68'). Record these
values and tell the systems administrator.

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