What happens in Vegas...
2014-04-24 21:09:24 UTC
.will have to happen without me this year. First time in a very long time
that I'll miss an IMPACT and it wasn't by choice. I was really looking
forward to delivering three all-new sessions, plus the BOF with Avada. I've
had a few emails asking about the new sessions and people telling me they
were looking forward to coming so I wanted to apologize in advance. I do
not know what they will do with those session slots but at the moment, I
can't even get to the presentations. When I know I'll post at t-rob.net.
My intention is to deliver this content in September at MQTC though.

For the curious, I seem to have picked up an infection that will require
medical supervision. If it doesn't clear up on oral meds, I'll need to be
admitted next week and go on IV meds. In any case, the long flight and lots
of walking, such as we do at the conference, are forbidden by the doctor who
advised keeping the leg elevated. The chance of DVT on a long flight is bad
enough without a leg that's already compromised. The presentation issues
are a bit embarrassing. I was in such a hurry to get to the Urgent Care
this morning, I neglected to check that my laptop had gone to sleep before
packing it up. It got right toasted, now it won't boot. I can recover the
presentations when I get home, using a 1-time pad that unlocks the True
Crypt drive hosted on Google but for now I'm typing on a tablet over
GoToMyPC accessing the home workstation.

The cherry on top of all that though was that I received simultaneously both
the receipt cancelling my flight to Vegas and the email telling me I'd been
upgraded to 1st class on that same flight. I'm sure it was just coincidence
but I could not help imagining someone at US Airways processing the
cancellation and saying to the person in the next cube "Watch this - I'm
gonna upgrade the guy on the flight he just cancelled!"

Kind regards,

-- T.Rob

T.Robert Wyatt, Managing partner

IoPT Consulting, LLC

+1 704-443-TROB

<https://ioptconsulting.com> https://ioptconsulting.com

<https://twitter.com/tdotrob> https://twitter.com/tdotrob

To unsubscribe, write to LISTSERV-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org and,
in the message body (not the subject), write: SIGNOFF MQSERIES
Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at http://www.lsoft.com
Archive: http://listserv.meduniwien.ac.at/archives/mqser-l.html
Barton, Linda
2014-04-25 01:43:57 UTC
I hope everything heals up ok. See you at MQTC! On that topic, will anyone be presenting any 8.0 topics?

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 24, 2014, at 5:09 PM, "T.Rob" <t.rob-CkT6zf+urXSzW/GOMZKyElesiRL1/***@public.gmane.org<mailto:***@IOPTCONSULTING.COM>> wrote:

…will have to happen without me this year. First time in a very long time that I'll miss an IMPACT and it wasn't by choice. I was really looking forward to delivering three all-new sessions, plus the BOF with Avada. I've had a few emails asking about the new sessions and people telling me they were looking forward to coming so I wanted to apologize in advance. I do not know what they will do with those session slots but at the moment, I can't even get to the presentations. When I know I'll post at t-rob.net<http://t-rob.net>. My intention is to deliver this content in September at MQTC though.

For the curious, I seem to have picked up an infection that will require medical supervision. If it doesn't clear up on oral meds, I'll need to be admitted next week and go on IV meds. In any case, the long flight and lots of walking, such as we do at the conference, are forbidden by the doctor who advised keeping the leg elevated. The chance of DVT on a long flight is bad enough without a leg that's already compromised. The presentation issues are a bit embarrassing. I was in such a hurry to get to the Urgent Care this morning, I neglected to check that my laptop had gone to sleep before packing it up. It got right toasted, now it won't boot. I can recover the presentations when I get home, using a 1-time pad that unlocks the True Crypt drive hosted on Google but for now I'm typing on a tablet over GoToMyPC accessing the home workstation.

The cherry on top of all that though was that I received simultaneously both the receipt cancelling my flight to Vegas and the email telling me I'd been upgraded to 1st class on that same flight. I'm sure it was just coincidence but I could not help imagining someone at US Airways processing the cancellation and saying to the person in the next cube "Watch this - I'm gonna upgrade the guy on the flight he just cancelled!"

Kind regards,
-- T.Rob

T.Robert Wyatt, Managing partner
IoPT Consulting, LLC
+1 704-443-TROB

List Archive<http://listserv.meduniwien.ac.at/archives/mqser-l.html> - Manage Your List Settings<http://listserv.meduniwien.ac.at/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mqser-l&A=1> - Unsubscribe<mailto:LISTSERV-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org?subject=Unsubscribe&BODY=signoff%20mqseries>

Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in the Listserv General Users Guide available at http://www.lsoft.com<http://www.lsoft.com/resources/manuals.asp>

To unsubscribe, write to LISTSERV-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org and,
in the message body (not the subject), write: SIGNOFF MQSERIES
Roger Lacroix
2014-04-25 04:08:20 UTC
Hi Linda,

Yes. I just got an email from Morag Hughson of
IBM saying that they will be doing MQ V8 info for:

- What’s New in IBM Messaging by Mark Taylor
- IBM WebSphere MQ for z/OS: Latest Features Deep Dive by Morag Hughson
- IBM WebSphere MQ Security: Latest Features Deep Dive by Morag Hughson

I'm going to try and get as much MQ V8 for MQTC as I can.

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

At 09:43 PM 4/24/2014, you wrote:
>I hope everything heals up ok. See you at
>MQTC! On that topic, will anyone be presenting any 8.0 topics?
>Sent from my iPhone
>On Apr 24, 2014, at 5:09 PM, "T.Rob"
><t.rob-CkT6zf+urXSzW/GOMZKyElesiRL1/***@public.gmane.org<mailto:t.rob-CkT6zf+urXSzW/GOMZKyElesiRL1/***@public.gmane.org>> wrote:
>…will have to happen without me this
>year. First time in a very long time that I'll
>miss an IMPACT and it wasn't by choice. I was
>really looking forward to delivering three
>all-new sessions, plus the BOF with Avada. I've
>had a few emails asking about the new sessions
>and people telling me they were looking forward
>to coming so I wanted to apologize in
>advance. I do not know what they will do with
>those session slots but at the moment, I can't
>even get to the presentations. When I know I'll
>post at t-rob.net<http://t-rob.net>. My
>intention is to deliver this content in September at MQTC though.
>For the curious, I seem to have picked up an
>infection that will require medical
>supervision. If it doesn't clear up on oral
>meds, I'll need to be admitted next week and go
>on IV meds. In any case, the long flight and
>lots of walking, such as we do at the
>conference, are forbidden by the doctor who
>advised keeping the leg elevated. The chance of
>DVT on a long flight is bad enough without a leg
>that's already compromised. The presentation
>issues are a bit embarrassing. I was in such a
>hurry to get to the Urgent Care this morning, I
>neglected to check that my laptop had gone to
>sleep before packing it up. It got right
>toasted, now it won't boot. I can recover the
>presentations when I get home, using a 1-time
>pad that unlocks the True Crypt drive hosted on
>Google but for now I'm typing on a tablet over
>GoToMyPC accessing the home workstation.
>The cherry on top of all that though was that I
>received simultaneously both the receipt
>cancelling my flight to Vegas and the email
>telling me I'd been upgraded to 1st class on
>that same flight. I'm sure it was just
>coincidence but I could not help imagining
>someone at US Airways processing the
>cancellation and saying to the person in the
>next cube "Watch this - I'm gonna upgrade the
>guy on the flight he just cancelled!"
>Kind regards,
>-- T.Rob
>T.Robert Wyatt, Managing partner
>IoPT Consulting, LLC
>+1 704-443-TROB
>- Manage Your List
>Instructions for managing your mailing list
>subscription are provided in the Listserv
>General Users Guide available at
>To unsubscribe, write to LISTSERV-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org and,
>in the message body (not the subject), write: SIGNOFF MQSERIES
>Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
>the Listserv General Users Guide available at http://www.lsoft.com
>Archive: http://listserv.meduniwien.ac.at/archives/mqser-l.html

To unsubscribe, write to LISTSERV-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org and,
in the message body (not the subject), write: SIGNOFF MQSERIES
Robert, Andrew
2014-04-25 11:09:32 UTC
That's great Roger. I look forward to catching this session.

Andrew Robert, MQ Architect
T: 617-954-5882  M: 774-275-8347  E: arobert-***@public.gmane.org
MFS Investment Management
111 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02119

-----Original Message-----
From: MQSeries List [mailto:MQSERIES-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org] On Behalf Of Roger Lacroix
Sent: Friday, April 25, 2014 12:08 AM
To: MQSERIES-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org
Subject: Re: What happens in Vegas...

Hi Linda,

Yes. I just got an email from Morag Hughson of IBM saying that they will be doing MQ V8 info for:

- What's New in IBM Messaging by Mark Taylor
- IBM WebSphere MQ for z/OS: Latest Features Deep Dive by Morag Hughson
- IBM WebSphere MQ Security: Latest Features Deep Dive by Morag Hughson

I'm going to try and get as much MQ V8 for MQTC as I can.

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

At 09:43 PM 4/24/2014, you wrote:
>I hope everything heals up ok. See you at MQTC! On that topic, will
>anyone be presenting any 8.0 topics?
>Sent from my iPhone
>On Apr 24, 2014, at 5:09 PM, "T.Rob"
><t.rob-CkT6zf+urXSzW/GOMZKyElesiRL1/***@public.gmane.org<mailto:t.rob-CkT6zf+urXSzW/GOMZKyElesiRL1/***@public.gmane.org>> wrote:
>.will have to happen without me this
>year. First time in a very long time that I'll miss an IMPACT and it
>wasn't by choice. I was really looking forward to delivering three
>all-new sessions, plus the BOF with Avada. I've had a few emails
>asking about the new sessions and people telling me they were looking
>forward to coming so I wanted to apologize in advance. I do not know
>what they will do with those session slots but at the moment, I can't
>even get to the presentations. When I know I'll post at
>t-rob.net<http://t-rob.net>. My intention is to deliver this content
>in September at MQTC though.
>For the curious, I seem to have picked up an infection that will
>require medical supervision. If it doesn't clear up on oral meds, I'll
>need to be admitted next week and go on IV meds. In any case, the long
>flight and lots of walking, such as we do at the conference, are
>forbidden by the doctor who advised keeping the leg elevated. The
>chance of DVT on a long flight is bad enough without a leg that's
>already compromised. The presentation issues are a bit embarrassing.
>I was in such a hurry to get to the Urgent Care this morning, I
>neglected to check that my laptop had gone to sleep before packing it
>up. It got right toasted, now it won't boot. I can recover the
>presentations when I get home, using a 1-time pad that unlocks the True
>Crypt drive hosted on Google but for now I'm typing on a tablet over
>GoToMyPC accessing the home workstation.
>The cherry on top of all that though was that I received simultaneously
>both the receipt cancelling my flight to Vegas and the email telling me
>I'd been upgraded to 1st class on that same flight. I'm sure it was
>just coincidence but I could not help imagining someone at US Airways
>processing the cancellation and saying to the person in the next cube
>"Watch this - I'm gonna upgrade the guy on the flight he just
>Kind regards,
>-- T.Rob
>T.Robert Wyatt, Managing partner
>IoPT Consulting, LLC
>+1 704-443-TROB
>- Manage Your List
>Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided
>in the Listserv General Users Guide available at
>To unsubscribe, write to LISTSERV-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org and, in the
>message body (not the subject), write: SIGNOFF MQSERIES Instructions
>for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in the
>Listserv General Users Guide available at http://www.lsoft.com
>Archive: http://listserv.meduniwien.ac.at/archives/mqser-l.html

To unsubscribe, write to LISTSERV-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org and, in the message body (not the subject), write: SIGNOFF MQSERIES Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in the Listserv General Users Guide available at http://www.lsoft.com
Archive: http://listserv.meduniwien.ac.at/archives/mqser-l.html

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in the message body (not the subject), write: SIGNOFF MQSERIES
Oddo, Fred
2014-04-25 12:45:55 UTC
Sorry to hear that T.Rob. Get well. Since they are putting on meds I'll assume its bacterial. In addition to the meds....

Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. Bacteria can be your best friend too.....

WebMD specifically referring to Manuka Honey : Honey protects against damage caused by bacteria. Some honey also stimulates production of special cells that can repair tissue damaged by infection

* Organic and Raw Active 15+ Manuka Honey --

* organic heirloom cabbage (or just about any fermented organic vegetables)


* organic sprouted pumpkin seeds


* Organic Yogurt made from grass fed cows - Stonyfiled is one producer

* Bio-Kult Probiotic


* Gut and Psychology Syndrome (book on the topic of bacteria and digestive system)

From: MQSeries List [mailto:***@LISTSERV.MEDUNIWIEN.AC.AT] On Behalf Of T.Rob
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2014 4:09 PM
Subject: What happens in Vegas...

...will have to happen without me this year. First time in a very long time that I'll miss an IMPACT and it wasn't by choice. I was really looking forward to delivering three all-new sessions, plus the BOF with Avada. I've had a few emails asking about the new sessions and people telling me they were looking forward to coming so I wanted to apologize in advance. I do not know what they will do with those session slots but at the moment, I can't even get to the presentations. When I know I'll post at t-rob.net. My intention is to deliver this content in September at MQTC though.

For the curious, I seem to have picked up an infection that will require medical supervision. If it doesn't clear up on oral meds, I'll need to be admitted next week and go on IV meds. In any case, the long flight and lots of walking, such as we do at the conference, are forbidden by the doctor who advised keeping the leg elevated. The chance of DVT on a long flight is bad enough without a leg that's already compromised. The presentation issues are a bit embarrassing. I was in such a hurry to get to the Urgent Care this morning, I neglected to check that my laptop had gone to sleep before packing it up. It got right toasted, now it won't boot. I can recover the presentations when I get home, using a 1-time pad that unlocks the True Crypt drive hosted on Google but for now I'm typing on a tablet over GoToMyPC accessing the home workstation.

The cherry on top of all that though was that I received simultaneously both the receipt cancelling my flight to Vegas and the email telling me I'd been upgraded to 1st class on that same flight. I'm sure it was just coincidence but I could not help imagining someone at US Airways processing the cancellation and saying to the person in the next cube "Watch this - I'm gonna upgrade the guy on the flight he just cancelled!"

Kind regards,
-- T.Rob

T.Robert Wyatt, Managing partner
IoPT Consulting, LLC
+1 704-443-TROB

List Archive<http://listserv.meduniwien.ac.at/archives/mqser-l.html> - Manage Your List Settings<http://listserv.meduniwien.ac.at/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mqser-l&A=1> - Unsubscribe<mailto:***@LISTSERV.MEDUNIWIEN.AC.AT?subject=Unsubscribe&BODY=signoff%20mqseries>

Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in the Listserv General Users Guide available at http://www.lsoft.com<http://www.lsoft.com/resources/manuals.asp>

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entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email
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attachments from your system. The recipient should check this email
and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The company
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by this email.</FONT>

To unsubscribe, write to LISTSERV-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org and,
in the message body (not the subject), write: SIGNOFF MQSERIES
Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at http://www.lsoft.com
Archive: http://listserv.meduniwien.ac.at/archives/mqser-l.html
2014-04-25 17:11:00 UTC
Wow, thanks for the links, Fred! I know this is "the MQSeries list" but
over the 15+ years I've been on here and attending the conferences, you all
have become like family. I don't want to hijack the list with personal
stuff so I'll just say thanks once here to all the folks who replied
off-list. I would not be so upset about missing IMPACT if it were just a
bunch of strangers like some of the other events I attend. IMPACT, and now
MQTC, are like a family reunion for me.

Kind regards,

-- T.Rob

From: MQSeries List [mailto:MQSERIES-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org] On Behalf Of
Oddo, Fred
Sent: Friday, April 25, 2014 8:46 AM
To: MQSERIES-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org
Subject: Re: What happens in Vegas...

Sorry to hear that T.Rob. Get well. Since they are putting on meds I'll
assume its bacterial. In addition to the meds..

Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. Bacteria can be your best friend

WebMD specifically referring to Manuka Honey : Honey protects against
damage caused by bacteria. Some honey also stimulates production of special
cells that can repair tissue damaged by infection

. Organic and Raw Active 15+ Manuka Honey --


. organic heirloom cabbage (or just about any fermented organic


. organic sprouted pumpkin seeds


. Organic Yogurt made from grass fed cows - Stonyfiled is one

. Bio-Kult Probiotic


. Gut and Psychology Syndrome (book on the topic of bacteria and
digestive system)


From: MQSeries List [mailto:MQSERIES-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2014 4:09 PM
To: MQSERIES-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org
Subject: What happens in Vegas...

.will have to happen without me this year. First time in a very long time
that I'll miss an IMPACT and it wasn't by choice. I was really looking
forward to delivering three all-new sessions, plus the BOF with Avada. I've
had a few emails asking about the new sessions and people telling me they
were looking forward to coming so I wanted to apologize in advance. I do
not know what they will do with those session slots but at the moment, I
can't even get to the presentations. When I know I'll post at t-rob.net.
My intention is to deliver this content in September at MQTC though.

For the curious, I seem to have picked up an infection that will require
medical supervision. If it doesn't clear up on oral meds, I'll need to be
admitted next week and go on IV meds. In any case, the long flight and lots
of walking, such as we do at the conference, are forbidden by the doctor who
advised keeping the leg elevated. The chance of DVT on a long flight is bad
enough without a leg that's already compromised. The presentation issues
are a bit embarrassing. I was in such a hurry to get to the Urgent Care
this morning, I neglected to check that my laptop had gone to sleep before
packing it up. It got right toasted, now it won't boot. I can recover the
presentations when I get home, using a 1-time pad that unlocks the True
Crypt drive hosted on Google but for now I'm typing on a tablet over
GoToMyPC accessing the home workstation.

The cherry on top of all that though was that I received simultaneously both
the receipt cancelling my flight to Vegas and the email telling me I'd been
upgraded to 1st class on that same flight. I'm sure it was just coincidence
but I could not help imagining someone at US Airways processing the
cancellation and saying to the person in the next cube "Watch this - I'm
gonna upgrade the guy on the flight he just cancelled!"

Kind regards,

-- T.Rob

T.Robert Wyatt, Managing partner

IoPT Consulting, LLC

+1 704-443-TROB




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DTCC DISCLAIMER: This email and any files transmitted with it are
confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to
whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error, please
notify us immediately and delete the email and any attachments from your
system. The recipient should check this email and any attachments for the
presence of viruses. The company accepts no liability for any damage caused
by any virus transmitted by this email.


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<http://listserv.meduniwien.ac.at/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mqser-l&A=1> -

Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in the
Listserv General Users Guide available at http://www.lsoft.com

To unsubscribe, write to LISTSERV-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org and,
in the message body (not the subject), write: SIGNOFF MQSERIES
Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at http://www.lsoft.com
Archive: http://listserv.meduniwien.ac.at/archives/mqser-l.html