dspmq -c
Tim Zielke
2014-07-03 17:27:16 UTC
Here is something interesting I found on the mqseries.net web site. I thought I would mention it on the LISTSERV, too. Someone mentioned there is an undocumented switch (-c) that you can use on dspmq to list all the pids that are currently connected to the queue manager. I came up with a little shell command below, to then expand that to the actual command for that pid. This will be helpful for us when bringing a queue manager down, to see what application pids are still connected.

for i in `dspmq -c | xargs -n1 | grep PID | cut -d'(' -f2 | cut -d')' -f1`; do ps -p $i -o user,pid,args; done

I've tested the above shell command successfully on SLES 11, Red Hat 5, and Solaris 10.


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