WTC 2013
2013-07-24 10:48:51 UTC
FYI to the list – response from EU conferences team. This breaks my heart
to see.

From: European Conferences SWG
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 4:39 AM
To: T.Rob
Subject: Re: WTC 2013

Dear Mr T.Rob

Thank you for your email.
Unfortunately this year the IBM WebSphere Technical Convention is not going
to run.
Nevertheless I invite you to check the IBM conferences website constantly in
order to keep updated on the 2014 convention.

Thank you and Best Regards

IBM Software Group
Conference Team

110, Avenue des Communautés
1200 Brussels - Belgium

Email: conference-aj/cJ4sgBW3QT0dZR+***@public.gmane.org
Website: www.ibm.com/training/conf/europe

"T.Rob" <t.rob-2T3zYZGRgog/u7dgPfZd+***@public.gmane.org>

23/07/2013 17:43


European Conferences SWG/Belgium/***@IBMBE



WTC 2013


Have the WebSphere Tech Convention date and location for 2013 have been
finalized yet? Is there a date yet when the call for speakers will go out
and is there a mailing list to receive that announcement?

Thanks! – T.Rob

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