Application Activity Trace - Keeps going and going....
Potkay, Peter M (CTO Architecture + Engineering)
2014-07-22 13:44:00 UTC
I make a stanza in mqat.ini to watch 'Websphere Datapower*', turn the queue manager's ACTVTRC property from OFF to ON and it captures what I want. Yay.

I then turn the queue manager's ACTVTRC property from ON to OFF.

But the tracing keeps going and going.

Thinking it may be 'stuck' on tracing an active app with a still valid hConn, I stop the DataPower application (an MQ Client) and restart it, but the tracing continues.

Thinking it might be related to the amqrmppa process that the MQ Clients use, I stop the DataPower application, and other MQ Clients until I have no running channels. The amqrmppa process persists so I kill it (this is a lab machine ). I then restart the DataPower app, but App Activity Tracing keeps going and going, like an unstoppable zombie.

I turn the queue manager's ACTVTRC property from OFF to ON to OFF to ON lobbing a few curse words every so often, but the tracing keeps going and going.

ACTVTRC property is OFF. I alter the stanza in mqat.ini to turn tracing off for 'Websphere Datapower*', but the tracing keeps going and going. Realizing that perhaps the QM only reads mqat.ini at start up or when turn the queue manager's ACTVTRC property is toggled, I turn the queue manager's ACTVTRC property from OFF to ON and finally the tracing stops. Phew!

Anyone else seen this or any documentation that talks about it? It doesn't seem ACTVTRC set to OFF means off!

Peter Potkay

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Tim Zielke
2014-07-22 14:41:01 UTC
Hi Peter,

Running at MQ v8, I see the same behavior you are seeing when there is a specific ApplicationTrace stanza that matches your application name with the TRACE=ON. The trace keeps running for that application, even after you turn the queue manager ACTVTRC attribute OFF. I normally use the AAT with the default mqat.ini, and then just filter out the records I don't want with a customized amqsact program, so I don't normally run with this use case. When you run with the default mqat.ini, the tracing turns off (although a little might trickle in as applications pick up the OFF change) when you turn the queue manager ACTVTRC attribute off. This looks like a bug, to me.


From: MQSeries List [mailto:MQSERIES-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org] On Behalf Of Potkay, Peter M (CTO Architecture + Engineering)
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2014 8:44 AM
To: MQSERIES-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org
Subject: Application Activity Trace - Keeps going and going....

I make a stanza in mqat.ini to watch 'Websphere Datapower*', turn the queue manager's ACTVTRC property from OFF to ON and it captures what I want. Yay.

I then turn the queue manager's ACTVTRC property from ON to OFF.

But the tracing keeps going and going.

Thinking it may be 'stuck' on tracing an active app with a still valid hConn, I stop the DataPower application (an MQ Client) and restart it, but the tracing continues.

Thinking it might be related to the amqrmppa process that the MQ Clients use, I stop the DataPower application, and other MQ Clients until I have no running channels. The amqrmppa process persists so I kill it (this is a lab machine ). I then restart the DataPower app, but App Activity Tracing keeps going and going, like an unstoppable zombie.

I turn the queue manager's ACTVTRC property from OFF to ON to OFF to ON lobbing a few curse words every so often, but the tracing keeps going and going.

ACTVTRC property is OFF. I alter the stanza in mqat.ini to turn tracing off for 'Websphere Datapower*', but the tracing keeps going and going. Realizing that perhaps the QM only reads mqat.ini at start up or when turn the queue manager's ACTVTRC property is toggled, I turn the queue manager's ACTVTRC property from OFF to ON and finally the tracing stops. Phew!

Anyone else seen this or any documentation that talks about it? It doesn't seem ACTVTRC set to OFF means off!

Peter Potkay

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Potkay, Peter M (CTO Architecture + Engineering)
2014-07-23 12:50:42 UTC
Seeing no other responses I'll open a PMR. Seems that setting ACTVTRC to OFF should mean App Activity Tracing should stop.

Peter Potkay

From: MQSeries List [mailto:MQSERIES-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org] On Behalf Of Tim Zielke
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:41 AM
To: MQSERIES-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org
Subject: Re: Application Activity Trace - Keeps going and going....

Hi Peter,

Running at MQ v8, I see the same behavior you are seeing when there is a specific ApplicationTrace stanza that matches your application name with the TRACE=ON. The trace keeps running for that application, even after you turn the queue manager ACTVTRC attribute OFF. I normally use the AAT with the default mqat.ini, and then just filter out the records I don't want with a customized amqsact program, so I don't normally run with this use case. When you run with the default mqat.ini, the tracing turns off (although a little might trickle in as applications pick up the OFF change) when you turn the queue manager ACTVTRC attribute off. This looks like a bug, to me.


From: MQSeries List [mailto:MQSERIES-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org] On Behalf Of Potkay, Peter M (CTO Architecture + Engineering)
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2014 8:44 AM
To: MQSERIES-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org<mailto:MQSERIES-0lvw86wZMd9k/***@public.gmane.orgAC.AT>
Subject: Application Activity Trace - Keeps going and going....

I make a stanza in mqat.ini to watch 'Websphere Datapower*', turn the queue manager's ACTVTRC property from OFF to ON and it captures what I want. Yay.

I then turn the queue manager's ACTVTRC property from ON to OFF.

But the tracing keeps going and going.

Thinking it may be 'stuck' on tracing an active app with a still valid hConn, I stop the DataPower application (an MQ Client) and restart it, but the tracing continues.

Thinking it might be related to the amqrmppa process that the MQ Clients use, I stop the DataPower application, and other MQ Clients until I have no running channels. The amqrmppa process persists so I kill it (this is a lab machine ). I then restart the DataPower app, but App Activity Tracing keeps going and going, like an unstoppable zombie.

I turn the queue manager's ACTVTRC property from OFF to ON to OFF to ON lobbing a few curse words every so often, but the tracing keeps going and going.

ACTVTRC property is OFF. I alter the stanza in mqat.ini to turn tracing off for 'Websphere Datapower*', but the tracing keeps going and going. Realizing that perhaps the QM only reads mqat.ini at start up or when turn the queue manager's ACTVTRC property is toggled, I turn the queue manager's ACTVTRC property from OFF to ON and finally the tracing stops. Phew!

Anyone else seen this or any documentation that talks about it? It doesn't seem ACTVTRC set to OFF means off!

Peter Potkay

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Potkay, Peter M (CTO Architecture + Engineering)
2014-08-15 14:40:22 UTC
My PMR was closed today. APAR IT03760 was opened to document the nuances detailed below, because this info is currently not in the Knowledge Center nor in a Tech Note.

Quote: "To explain, the ACTVTRC qmgr attribute is used where there is no
matching stanza in mqat.in for the app, or where no setting have been
overridden by values set in the MQCNO structure when the app connected
to the qmgr. The hierarchy is:

1. ACTVTRC qmgr attribute
overridden by
2. ACTVCONO settings (in MQCNO structure passed in MQCONNX)
overridden by
3. settings in a matching stanza in mqat.ini "

Additionally, the ACTVTRC property needs to be toggled to get the QM to read the mqat.ini file again to pick up any changes you make in the mqat.ini file.

Peter Potkay

From: MQSeries List [mailto:MQSERIES-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org] On Behalf Of Potkay, Peter M (CTO Architecture + Engineering)
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2014 8:51 AM
To: MQSERIES-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org
Subject: Re: Application Activity Trace - Keeps going and going....

Seeing no other responses I'll open a PMR. Seems that setting ACTVTRC to OFF should mean App Activity Tracing should stop.

Peter Potkay

From: MQSeries List [mailto:MQSERIES-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org] On Behalf Of Tim Zielke
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:41 AM
To: MQSERIES-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org<mailto:MQSERIES-0lvw86wZMd9k/***@public.gmane.orgAC.AT>
Subject: Re: Application Activity Trace - Keeps going and going....

Hi Peter,

Running at MQ v8, I see the same behavior you are seeing when there is a specific ApplicationTrace stanza that matches your application name with the TRACE=ON. The trace keeps running for that application, even after you turn the queue manager ACTVTRC attribute OFF. I normally use the AAT with the default mqat.ini, and then just filter out the records I don't want with a customized amqsact program, so I don't normally run with this use case. When you run with the default mqat.ini, the tracing turns off (although a little might trickle in as applications pick up the OFF change) when you turn the queue manager ACTVTRC attribute off. This looks like a bug, to me.


From: MQSeries List [mailto:MQSERIES-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org] On Behalf Of Potkay, Peter M (CTO Architecture + Engineering)
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2014 8:44 AM
To: MQSERIES-0lvw86wZMd9k/bWDasg6f+***@public.gmane.org<mailto:MQSERIES-0lvw86wZMd9k/***@public.gmane.orgAC.AT>
Subject: Application Activity Trace - Keeps going and going....

I make a stanza in mqat.ini to watch 'Websphere Datapower*', turn the queue manager's ACTVTRC property from OFF to ON and it captures what I want. Yay.

I then turn the queue manager's ACTVTRC property from ON to OFF.

But the tracing keeps going and going.

Thinking it may be 'stuck' on tracing an active app with a still valid hConn, I stop the DataPower application (an MQ Client) and restart it, but the tracing continues.

Thinking it might be related to the amqrmppa process that the MQ Clients use, I stop the DataPower application, and other MQ Clients until I have no running channels. The amqrmppa process persists so I kill it (this is a lab machine ). I then restart the DataPower app, but App Activity Tracing keeps going and going, like an unstoppable zombie.

I turn the queue manager's ACTVTRC property from OFF to ON to OFF to ON lobbing a few curse words every so often, but the tracing keeps going and going.

ACTVTRC property is OFF. I alter the stanza in mqat.ini to turn tracing off for 'Websphere Datapower*', but the tracing keeps going and going. Realizing that perhaps the QM only reads mqat.ini at start up or when turn the queue manager's ACTVTRC property is toggled, I turn the queue manager's ACTVTRC property from OFF to ON and finally the tracing stops. Phew!

Anyone else seen this or any documentation that talks about it? It doesn't seem ACTVTRC set to OFF means off!

Peter Potkay

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