Creating new QSG
2013-09-25 11:09:46 UTC
Hi listers,

We're planning to create new QSG with an existing QMGR and another new QMGR. So following IBM's indications you must create the QSG, and add later (individually) all the QMGRs who will be part of that QSG.

But one of our doubts is if there's the possibility to create that new QSG adding only one QMGR (the existing one) and see if it works (connection to DB2 tables, use of CFStructs, etc) and later, maybe in a couple of weeks, add the second QMGR.

We know that makes no sense cause of the non-use of high availability but we want to know if it would work fine during a time, cause meanwhile we could plan the creation of the second QMGR as the QSG would be working properly with that existing QMGR.

Thanks in advance,
Jaime Guinot Gómez

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Paul S Dennis
2013-09-25 11:20:13 UTC
Yes, no problem with that... as you state, not much point having just a
single QMGR in the QSG, but no reason it won't work! Not going to get all
the full benefits of the QSG, but fine for trying it out etc.


Paul Dennis
WebSphere MQ for z/OS Development

To: ***@listserv.meduniwien.ac.at,
Date: 25/09/2013 12:09
Subject: Creating new QSG
Sent by: MQSeries List <***@listserv.meduniwien.ac.at>

Hi listers,

We’re planning to create new QSG with an existing QMGR and another new
QMGR. So following IBM’s indications you must create the QSG, and add
later (individually) all the QMGRs who will be part of that QSG.

But one of our doubts is if there’s the possibility to create that new QSG
adding only one QMGR (the existing one) and see if it works (connection to
DB2 tables, use of CFStructs, etc) and later, maybe in a couple of weeks,
add the second QMGR.

We know that makes no sense cause of the non-use of high availability but
we want to know if it would work fine during a time, cause meanwhile we
could plan the creation of the second QMGR as the QSG would be working
properly with that existing QMGR.

Thanks in advance,
Jaime Guinot Gómez

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Lyn Elkins
2013-09-25 14:06:45 UTC
In fact this is how we initially tested our workshop environment - it works

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2013-09-25 22:16:48 UTC
We actually have some QSGs that only contain 1 queue manager. That way,
all the CICS connections could be handled in the same manner. The CICS
regions connect to a group versus a specific queue manager.

Thank you,

Glen Shubert
Associate Director - Operations
T|SYS| - MQSeries Technical Support
email: ***@tsys.com

Date: 09/25/2013 07:10 AM
Subject: Creating new QSG
Sent by: MQSeries List <***@LISTSERV.MEDUNIWIEN.AC.AT>

Hi listers,

We’re planning to create new QSG with an existing QMGR and another new
QMGR. So following IBM’s indications you must create the QSG, and add
later (individually) all the QMGRs who will be part of that QSG.

But one of our doubts is if there’s the possibility to create that new QSG
adding only one QMGR (the existing one) and see if it works (connection to
DB2 tables, use of CFStructs, etc) and later, maybe in a couple of weeks,
add the second QMGR.

We know that makes no sense cause of the non-use of high availability but
we want to know if it would work fine during a time, cause meanwhile we
could plan the creation of the second QMGR as the QSG would be working
properly with that existing QMGR.

Thanks in advance,
Jaime Guinot Gómez

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