Writing a Mainframe Systems Programmer Resume
Joe Gallaher
2014-03-04 20:30:48 UTC
I would like to invite anyone attending next week's SHARE conference in
Anaheim to come to my session on "How to Write a Resume for a Mainframe
Systems Programmer" (session 15391, Tuesday, March 11, 12:15pm). It is the
8th time I have given this presentation at SHARE and it contains a lot of
useful information and samples for the aspiring resume writer. Here is a
link to my session:


If you cannot attend, feel free to send me an email (or LinkedIn message)
and I will send you a link to my PowerPoint slides (which will be available
after March 11). If you're at SCIDS Sunday night, definitely track me (and
Chris Evans) down and say hi. I am reachable by cell phone all week.

Joe Gallaher
323-822-1569 work
323-363-7259 cell

"You wouldn't hire a COBOL programmer to install your operating system. Why
use an applications recruiter for your systems management needs?"

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