Attention- MS81 users
Neil Casey
2014-06-27 05:31:36 UTC
Hi MQ listers,

I have raised an RFE relating to mqipt today. If you use or are contemplating the use of ms81 (mqipt) you may find it of interest.

The RFE is http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/rfe/execute?use_case=viewRfe&CR_ID=55415

It requests an enhancement to ms81 so that the command listener can be bound to a specific interface on the hosting server.

At the moment, if you run the command server to enable configuration and administration of the ms81 application, the listener for the command server binds to all interfaces on the machine, including any external facing interfaces.

At some sites, this means that ms81 is always used without the command server, meaning that configuration changes even to a single route require a full restart.

If you use ms81, and would like to see this enhancement, then voting for the RFE might make it more likely to be implemented.


Neil Casey
Senior Consultant | Syntegrity Solutions

+61 414 615 334 neil.casey-VLLIzlmz+***@public.gmane.org
Syntegrity Solutions Pty Ltd | Level 23 | 40 City Road | Southgate | VIC 3006
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