RFE - Application Activity Trace support for z/OS
Tim Zielke
2014-07-18 15:58:18 UTC

Please vote for the RFE, if you would find this helpful.

Headline: Application Activity Trace support for z/OS

Link: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/rfe/execute?use_case=viewRfe&CR_ID=56321

Please provide the Application Activity Trace tool on z/OS.

Use Case:
I have recently started using more the MQ AAT (Application Activity Trace) on distributed, and with a few tweaks to the supplied amqsact source code, this is a very nice and powerful tool for debugging and MQ application review.

I noticed in the MQ manual that the AAT was not delivered for z/OS. Perhaps this was due to this data being available through SMF. However, for consistency sake and ease of use, it would be very helpful if the AAT was supported on z/OS, as well.

Business Justification:
For consistency sake and ease of use, it would be very helpful if the AAT was supported on z/OS, as well.


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